Set at the brink of World War II, this gripping British drama from the producers of Gosford Park, The Bucket List, and Hacksaw Ridge, stars Academy Award winner Sir Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs, Nixon) and Emmy nominee Matthew Goode (The Imitation Game, Stoker) as two of the greatest minds of the 20th century, clashing over the biggest question of all: Does God Exist? It's September 1939, and England has declared war on Germany. The "father of psychoanalysis," Sigmund Freud, a recent escapee with his daughter from the Nazi regime, receives a visit from the formidable Oxford Don C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), a former atheist who is now a devout Christian. Sparking a debate with the younger man about the damage that unquestioned belief may bring, Freud's mortality, and what Lewis believes comes after death, fuels their discussion, as the two men clash and question each other about science, faith, love, the human condition, and what divides - and could possibly unite - the aspirations of the mind and the needs of the soul, interweaving the lives of Freud and Lewis, past, present, and fantasy in a story that bursts from the confines of Freud's study, and delves into the deeper realms of both men's psyche.